Chapidze Emergency Cardiology Center launched another Charity Medical Campaign in Akhaltsikhe

On November 12, 2022, the doctors of Chapidze Emergency Cardiology Center held the 136th Charity Medical event as a part of a memorandum of cooperation for the veterans of war and defense forces and their family members living in the Municipality of Akhaltsikhe. The event was organized by the State Service of Veteran Affairs and with the support of City Council of Akhaltsikhe Municipality. The event included free examinations of the cardiological profile (consultation with a doctor-cardiologist, electrocardiogram, echocardiography, laboratory studies).


Within the framework of the campaign, 140 residents of the Municipality of Akhaltsikhe were provided qualified medical services. Among them 30 are veterans, 48 are family members and 62 are residents. A total of 420 medical visits were paid.

Jandri Ubiria, deputy director of the State Service of Veteran Affairs, Zurab Phartsakhashvili, head of the regional management department of Samtskhe-Javakheti Division, and Irakli Lazarashvili, mayor of the Municipality of Akhaltsikhe got acquainted with the course of the event.

The memorandum of cooperation was concluded in April 2017 between the State Service of Veteran Affairs and Chapidze Emergency Cardiology Center and is renewed annually.

Within the framework of the memorandum of cooperation, the charity medical events for veterans and their family members are permanently held throughout Georgia. Since the signing of the memorandum of cooperation up to the present day, the doctors of Chapidze Emergency Cardiology Center have conducted 136 charity medical events organized by the State Service of Veterans Affair. Free medical services were provided to 12,247 beneficiaries.

The charity medical events will be held again for the veterans and their family members as a part of the memorandum of cooperation regarding which the veterans will be notified in advance.

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Chapidze Emergency Cardiology Center launched another Charity Medical Campaign in Akhaltsikhe
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